Aquí puede consultar accesorios sobre Synchro VasQ.

Componentes y accesorios, piezas de mano y herramientas aportan versatilidad y eficiencia a nuestras estaciones de trabajo. Explore aquí la lista de accesorios para su dispositivo DEKA.

RightLightTM Handpiece

The new pulsed light dye handpiece is the fruit of research and innovation that DEKA constantly promotes in its laboratories to offer better treatment methods that are increasingly effective. With this innovative handpiece it is now possible to remove fainter and more superficial vascular lesions, characterised by a smaller chromophore concentration which can be problematic to treat with the traditional dye laser…..

Laser Handpieces
Synchro VasQ is equipped with 4 handpieces of different spot sizes: the 5.0 mm, 7.0 mm, 10mm and 12mm.
All handpieces have 2 important integrated technologies:
· the “Top-Hat Fluence Emission Technology” which guarantees uniform fluence in all the spot area
· and the “Automatic Spot Size Recognition System” which allows Synchro VasQ to recognise the handpiece and show the appropriate control panel.
Each handpiece has to be linked to the fibre connector and to the electronic jack for handpiece recognition. The spot size of the detected handpiece is displayed on the left side of the screen. Each handpiece has to be linked to the fibre connector and to the electronic jack for handpiece recognition.
Protective Glasses

All people, staing in the room where the laser is working, could be affected by laser radiation exposure. For this reason they must wear safety glasses.
DEKA provides with every laser system specific laser safety eyewear which are appropriate for the laser wavelength, for the laser power and for the laser working modes. All glasses are compliant with European Community norm EN 207 which is stricter than the American norm ANSI Z 136…

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